These are potentially relevant topics for men aged 60 and older. Of course, erectile function is impaired in old age. Bad habits, certain diseases, and medications help.
But it is quite possible to have sex at the age of 60-65. What is needed for this? First, it is necessary to identify the root cause of impotence and eliminate it. Lifestyle and nutrition adjustments are also recommended.
You should use sexual stimulants to increase the effect. The choice can be stopped over PDE-5 inhibitors, ointments, dietary supplements and herbal adaptogens.
Why does potential deteriorate at age 60?
Let's find out, can a 60-year-old man have good potential? Theoretically, members of the stronger sex can live a full-fledged sexual life until the age of 60-65, but in practice such cases are very rare.
Why is that? The fact is that the level of exogenous testosterone decreases during adolescence. Simply put, the body can no longer produce enough male androgens.
Deficiency of testosterone leads to a decrease in the patient's potential, decreased libido and deterioration of reproductive function. Decreased testosterone levels cannot be prevented because it is a natural process. However, if you follow certain rules, it is quite possible to correct the manifestations of androgen deficiency.
The following may also lead to a decrease in sexual potency in older men:
- Cardiovascular diseases. According to statistics, 80% of men between the ages of sixty and seventy have chronic CVD pathologies - atherosclerosis, hypertension (high blood pressure), coronary artery disease, heart failure. With these disorders, erections naturally deteriorate.
- Anatomical deformities of the penis and genital trauma.
- Diseases of the prostate gland. Over the years, many men develop prostatitis, BPH and other pancreatic diseases. When they appear, it is very difficult to restore erectile function.
- Recent myocardial infarction or hemorrhagic / ischemic stroke.
- Inflammatory processes in the spinal cord.
- Inguinal or intervertebral hernia.
- Cerebrovascular disorders.
- Neurogenic disorders - Parkinson's disease, epilepsy, etc.
- Hypofunction / hyperfunction of the thyroid gland.
Also, in older men, the potential is often reduced due to diabetes. For type 1 and type 2 diabetes, it is equally dangerous for sexual power.
What else negatively affects the potential?

Certain diseases alone do not adversely affect men's health.
Decreased erection in the age group of 60-65 years is often associated with the use of certain drugs.
Reduces the potential of high blood pressure pills, hypoglycemic pills, gout medications, tranquilizers, sedatives, antidepressants.
Also non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, anabolic steroids, 5-alpha-reductase inhibitors, alpha-1-blockers, estrogens, etc. has a negative effect.
Other factors that reduce potential:
- To smoke.
- Alcoholism.
- Refrain from sexual intercourse for a long time.
- Obesity.
- Passive lifestyle.
- An unbalanced diet.
- Hypothermia.
Men who lead a healthy lifestyle from a young age suffer significantly less from erectile dysfunction between the ages of 60 and 65.
Diagnosis of sexual impotence

Potential improvement in men after the age of 60 is possible only with the right treatment tactics. Therefore, examinations will be needed.
You should first contact a urologist-andrologist.
The doctor should listen carefully to the patient's complaints, study the history of the disease, and conduct a physical examination of the genitals and testicles.
The doctor pays special attention to the presence of diseases such as hypertension, myocardial infarction, diabetes, stroke, atherosclerosis, because these diseases cause the most organic impotence.
The following studies will be required to make an accurate diagnosis:
- General and biochemical analysis of urine.
- Ultrasound of the prostate gland, testicles, thyroid gland.
- Blood sugar test.
- Biochemical blood test for HDL, LDL, total cholesterol, triglycerides.
- Doppler ultrasound examination of the vessels of the penis.
- Night erection monitoring.
- Intracavernous test.
- Blood test for PSA.
Based on the results of the examination, a diagnosis is made and appropriate treatment tactics are selected.
How to restore potential in old age?
Folk remedies

How to increase potential at home after 60 years?
Traditional medicine can be used to normalize erectile function. Their effectiveness is very individual, but they are almost completely safe.
The easiest recipe is honey with nuts. This simple mixture helps to restore strong bones and increase immunity. The use of honey with nuts is beneficial for all older men.
Hazelnuts contain only healthy fats, so the product will be useful even at high blood cholesterol levels.
Can also be used to increase potential:
- medicinal decoction of willow tea, calendula and aloe juice. It is able to increase potency and libido, has a tonic effect.
- Alcohol tincture of garlic. The old ancestral way that has not lost its relevance. Infusion of garlic helps to enhance the booster and increase sexual desire.
- Thyme broth. Thyme is very useful for potency, because it improves blood circulation in the small pelvis, normalizes the function of the nervous system, has an anti-inflammatory effect on the prostate gland.
- Honey sbiten. The drink can be consumed at least every day, because it is completely safe. Honey, cinnamon sticks, dried mint, lemon and star anise are used to make sbitn.
- Alcohol tincture of ginger. Helps increase potency and even helps raise blood testosterone levels.
The use of folk remedies to increase potency in older men is, in fact, an adjunct to conservative therapy. You should not rely only on non-traditional recipes.
It is recommended to use decoctions and infusions after consulting a doctor.
Prostate massage

Impotence can be the result of blood stasis in the pelvis and prostatitis. In such cases, prostate massage will help.
This procedure can be performed in an outpatient setting and at home.
Prostate massage helps to cure prostatitis, stabilize erectile function and prevent blood stasis in the small pelvis.
Also, stimulation of the glandular organ is an excellent prevention of benign prostatic hyperplasia.
There are two types of massage:
- Finger. Performed by a doctor. The doctor inserts his index finger into the anus and then massages the gland. The duration of the procedure is 2-5 minutes.
- Instrumental. You can do it at home. You must first receive an invasive prostate stimulator. The masseur's head is inserted into the anus, after which the vibrating parts begin to affect the prostate gland.
Prostate massage is contraindicated in proctological diseases, bowel and prostate cancer.

After 60 years, it is not a problem for men to take drugs to increase their potential. Unfortunately, not all drugs are effective.
Today, unscrupulous manufacturers often give dummies to their customers.
Thus, sprays, drops, powders for internal use, creams are completely ineffective.
These drugs will have no effect, so it is simply pointless to take them.
It really helps to overcome erection problems:
- Phosphodiesterase 5 inhibitors.
- NO-synthase activators.
- Local ointments. Effective means to increase potency in old age - nitroglycerin ointment, heparin ointment.
- Plant adaptogens. Tinctures of leuzea, ginseng, eleutherococcus can be used to maintain male potency. They are sold in any pharmacy. They cost no more than 150 rubles.
- Biologically active supplements. These amplifiers are also the safest and most effective. Dietary supplements restore a strong erection, increase libido and have a tonic effect.
- Phytopreparations
If a man has androgen deficiency, hormone replacement therapy may be prescribed. Testosterone-based drugs are used to achieve this.
Additional recommendations

If the patient does not adjust his lifestyle, after 60 years, the use of drugs to increase potency in men will be useless.
First and foremost, you need to break bad habits.
Doctors recommend quitting smoking because tar and nicotine have a destructive effect on blood vessels and cause erections, respectively.
You should also minimize alcohol consumption. 1 glass of dry red wine from alcohol will be allowed once a week.
Also recommended:
- Sleep 6-8 hours a day.
- Avoid stress and overwork.
- Get more exercise, if possible.
- Eat foods that increase potency. Semi-finished products, fast food, fatty, salty, sweet products should be excluded from the menu.
It does not hurt to participate in physiotherapy procedures. Acupuncture, moxibustion, laser puncture, electrophoresis are effective for impotence.
Penis prostheses

Penis prostheses are the last resort. Appointed in exceptional cases. The procedure is very expensive.
On average, uterine prostheses will cost 3-5 thousand US dollars. The final price will be affected by the type of penis prosthesis.
The operation is performed only in private clinics.
Indications for surgery are vasculogenic erectile dysfunction, cavernous fibrosis, Peyronie's disease, artificial penis, endocrine ED.
There are three types of prostheses:
- Hard. They are the cheapest and easiest to work with. They are a pair of elastic silicone rods. Installed in the penis. The disadvantage of rigid prostheses is that the penis will always be upright when they are inserted.
- plastic. They consist of two rigid cylinders, but they have a plastic memory. This means that a man can easily give any position to the genitals.
- Swelling. They are the most expensive, but provide the best cosmetic look. They consist of a reservoir containing a liquid, an injection pump, and a pair of rods. The pump and reservoir are placed in the scrotum and retropubic cavity, and the rods are placed in the penis. When a man wants to get an erection, he injects fluid into the rods.
Penile prostheses require diagnosis because any surgical procedure has its own contraindications. The patient should consult a neurologist, cardiologist, surgeon, urologist.
After the operation, the patient should take painkillers and antibiotics. You will have to abstain from sex for some time.
In general, falloprostheses are a very effective procedure. About 95% of operations are successful. After the prostheses are placed, the man will be able to have sex until adulthood.