A man at any age wants to be strong, including in the sexual sphere. Weak libido, weak erection, fast or, conversely, slow ejaculation are good reasons for frustration, but the older a man gets, the more likely it is to happen. Moreover, the risk of impotence and infertility increases after the age of 40. What are the causes of impotence in men over 40? What can improve potency in adult men? Let's find out. . .

Sexual health after forty
It is not correct to say that after 45 years, all men will start experiencing problems with potency. At this age, representatives of the stronger sex will not necessarily get sick, but they are susceptible to a decrease in libido and the onset of weak erections. Why? There are several reasons:
- Hormonal imbalance that can cause impotence in men in their 40s. This is especially true for the level of the male hormone testosterone. A natural decrease in hormones occurs at the age of 30, but the decrease occurs gradually (1. 5-2% per year). At first, the decrease has practically no signs, so the man does not think about how to increase the potency. If the deadline for starting treatment and stopping the process is missed, by the age of 40 the level drops critically and signs of disorder will appear.
- Diseases of the cardiovascular system. With age, the strength of the walls of blood vessels decreases and they lose the necessary elasticity. First, the small vessels responsible for supplying blood to the male genital organs are affected. This leads to a decrease in potential. The worst thing is that the work of a person's main muscle - the heart - is disturbed, or the vessels that supply blood to the brain suffer. Failures can cause sexual problems and lead to coronary artery disease, strokes and heart attacks.
- Advanced complex diseases of the genitourinary system. Most men are embarrassed to complain to doctors about symptoms of sexual dysfunction; treatment is started only in extreme cases. Knowing that male potential is not so good, men can tolerate it or self-medicate. As a result, small diseases become more complicated and go to advanced stages with painful symptoms (for example, in men, potency is seriously impaired, he can no longer engage in sexual intercourse).

We have mentioned three main reasons why men over 40 face problems with potency. There are other factors that can cause impotence symptoms in men:
- Addiction to alcohol.
- Continuous smoking for more than 10 years in men.
- Physical inactivity, sedentary lifestyle.
- Eating unhealthy foods, sudden weight gain (obesity).
- Long-term treatment with strong drugs (antibiotics, psychotropic drugs, hormonal drugs).
- Irregular sex life (very frequent contact or complete refusal of sex).
Under the influence of these factors, various disorders occur after 40 years, including potential impairment. Problems do not appear overnight, they develop gradually. Initial symptoms appear at the age of 30-35. But these symptoms are mild, do not interfere with sexual activity, and men do not start treatment. The result: by the age of 40, a man pays for his carelessness with many complications, including complete impotence.
Getting rid of sexual dysfunction
Treatment of problems related to potency at the age of 40-45 consists of two parts - eliminating the cause of dysfunction and increasing sexual functionality. Treatment is carried out only with the participation of a doctor - a urologist, andrologist or specialized specialists, if the decrease in potency is affected by diseases of the genitourinary system (for example, an increase or decrease in the hormonal level is treated with a drug). endocrinologist).
First, the patient needs to come to the clinic, undergo an examination and take tests. Without these procedures, promotion cannot be achieved - you need to know the exact diagnosis. After the diagnosis, the attending physician will draw up a treatment program, select drugs (or prescribe surgery if drug treatment is ineffective). Recovery from the cause of sexual dysfunction requires patience - treatment usually lasts 5-14 weeks. Only after the end of the treatment, the natural potential will begin to recover, but in the meantime, a 40-year-old man can use libido and erection stimulants.

Instant results from stimulants
There are two ways to stimulate a man's potency:
- You can learn how to increase potency in men in natural ways - this is allowed only for slight deviations.
- You can buy pills that instantly arouse a boy or man and increase the power of erection.
For mild dysfunction, you can try this folk remedy to increase potency: take ginger root, thyme, honey and rose hips. The ingredients are poured with boiling water and allowed to brew for 4-5 hours. The resulting tincture should be taken one tablespoon after each meal. Other natural remedies that help improve weak potency are propolis, ginseng root, thyme, galangal, and rennet.
In less than an hour, you need to use special stimulants to quickly increase the weakened potential. But remember: synthetic drugs are suitable for men over 40 years of age only if the problems with potency are not related to diseases of the cardiovascular system - in this case, taking potency pills is prohibited! In case of acute hormone deficiency, stimulants can be taken, but they will be powerless - only hormonal drugs can eliminate the symptoms of impotence. Stimulant medications may be tried for other causes of erectile dysfunction.
The fastest increase in sexual power in men after the age of 40 is due to the following reasons:
- A pill that stimulates blood flow to the male genitals. As a result of its action, sexual desire increases and erection becomes stronger. The remedy has an effect after 30 minutes and only when natural awakening occurs (it does not create it, but increases it). The drug has many restrictions for taking, so you should take the tablets carefully only according to the instructions.
- A product that works faster than before. An increased level of erection can be observed within ten minutes of taking it. The effect lasts 30-36 hours. It has fewer contraindications than other stimulant drugs. You can drink alcoholic beverages (this will not reduce the effectiveness of the stimulant).
- A drug similar in action. The difference is that it begins to act a little faster - 20 minutes after administration. The effect begins to decrease after 10 hours.
- It is a recommended product for men over 40 years old. Potency increase occurs due to PDE-5 inhibitor. It starts working 1-2 hours after taking the tablet.
- A drug based on antibodies against endothelial NO synthase, which differs from the previous drugs in that it does not have an immediate effect, but is characterized by a cumulative effect. You need to take it for a few days to feel any improvement. It is considered the safest method of potential stimulation, but the effect will be weaker than the previous drugs.
So, we answered the question of why potential decreases in men after 40 years, and how to get rid of sexual problems. We hope this information will help readers avoid these pitfalls or find a better way to solve the problem. Remember: each potency-enhancing drug has contraindications and side effects, so you must familiarize yourself with them before treatment. Take care of yourself and be healthy!